One Night Stand is a dance party band based out of central CT USA and is available for booking throughout New England and surrounding areas.
For booking: See our contact page.
Members of One Night Stand
An avid runner, Sean is always ready for the next race. He has yet to actually put in any mileage, but we figure he's gotta have his goals, so we support him. Go Sean!
When he was young, Marc would hit sticks on pots and pans. He still does. So to keep him happy we let him play with us on a drum set. It appeases his inner demons. Shh, they're listening.
• GMS Drums
• Soultone Cymbals
• Rich Sticks
A super hero by day and singer/secret-spy by night, Jeff is a pretty busy guy. He spends the other 90% of his time conversing with the voices in his head or breaking Dave out of Arkham.
• JHAudio
After escaping from Arkham Asylum he just showed up to practice one day. Since our other guitarist was nowhere to be found we let Dave play. We still never found the other guy.